Ensure the food people set up the buffet in the right place.
Of course they also had to set up the table, with the IMAC, for the preview of NN2.0. For those of you who missed it, here it is.
Looks like the first come first serve issue helped to motivate them.
I was scatter brained, making sure everybody got their right seats, and ensuring the VIPs got their tickets quickly.
They even got everybody to sign it. It was good to see some mingling amongst the bloggers. Having said that, some negative comments have come through the pipeline about how there should have been ice breakers.
Whilst I do emphatise with some of these views, being social is very important at these kind of events. In my note, I emphasised intiative as being very important.
If you've got a person next to you, say hi! Start a conversation, and carry it on. The last thing we want to do is nanny one, and it is difficult to do so at an event of such scale, where there will undoubtedly be social clicks.
Here is TK and friends. Sheylara is probably my favourite female nuffnanger, and TK is officially my favourite male one! At the event, he prepared gifts for me and ewe tiam! That was a gesture I appreciated a great deal.
There was a soft toy of a rottweiler, real cute one! TK, I have a rottweiler at home too! And also a customized rottweiler teacup that he did up. I've displayed both proudly in my office. It really perks me up to see appreciative and proactive nuffnangers like him.
My friends, Brenna,n, Yinghan from Hitchoo, and Bernard from SG Entrepeneurs. Thank you Estee and Bernard for your Thank You email.
And my favourite couple, Wendy and Mike. Alvin and his wife.
Simply jean! After the event, she was one of those people who came up to me to say hi! Thank you for that. I'm sorry I could not speak longer, as I had to rush off for the National Day Parade.
There are so many people to thank for making this event a success. My friend Darren and his sister sharon for sponsoring our goody bags (Super Coffeemix). My friends Denka, James, Louie, Natasha, Kathleen for spearheading the banner. The entire Nuffnang team, Timothy, Suet Li (who was so chirpy the whole time I enjoyed headbutting her), Wen Qi, Arsyan, Firdauz, Lee Meng, and Lance.