Thanks to my pepper crazed intern
Huiwen (see below for proof), I have got a new blog template!
Wooooo hoooooooo!
Now, the irony hasn't escaped me. Everyday, I look at dozens of blogs and I admire the effort people put into customizing them. Being the co-founder of South East Asia's LARGEST blog advertising community (yes Nuffnang IS), you would expect better from me right. I mean, the other boss (the infamous
boss stewie) even had his blog header customized for him by one of his readers!!!
I decided that enough was enough! So today, I strolled into the office and declared boldly.
I sat myself comfortably on my 10 dollar plastic chair (yes, I'm cheap - the chairs at IKEA are like just over a hundred for really good ones but I end up just going and buying their cheapo battries instead), booted my laptop, put my fingers together and sat in deep thought.
For all of 5 seconds that is, right before I said to Huiwen, ok Huiwen, this is your task!
This is the result of her effort, and I must say, I like it! One more pack of chickadees for Yang Hui Wen!