Wednesday, January 16, 2008
I know, this is a record even for me!
Almost a month gone by without an update! And yet, my blog is still attracting a steady stream of readers. SOLLYYYY!!!! There's been work, there's been the festive season, and there's been work.
Anyway, to continue where I left off, the Nuffnang team was due to have dinner at KLCC, San Francisco Steak House.
KLCC has got to be one of the most beautiful buildings in the world. And it is in Malaysia! Those towering twin peaks loom over the landscape of KL a resounding public proclamation that Malaysia has arrived.
Inside KLCC was the tallest christmas tree I had seen in 2007.

Ewe Tiam chose the restaurant, KL being his city. I wasn't surprised it was San Francisco Steakhouse.
I'd been to one whilst entertaining some bloggers in Malaysia, way back when we were first starting out. That outlet was in Midvalley. I was pleasantly surprised at the quality of the beef. So I was looking forward to the dinner.
The ambience of the restaurant was great. We were seated on the second floor, occupying a long table overlooking the fountain.
After we had ordered, speeches and a surprise I had prepared for the team were in order.
Nuffnang's growth in 2007 has been simply phenomenal. What started out as a four man with two offices, has now grown to a team of over a
dozen Nuffies in
3 offices (Singapore, KL, Penang), managing close to
20,000 bloggers including all the top ones (no mean feat, I assure you), and dealing with great advertisers and brands, such as Nike, Citibank, Clearasil, Singapore Tourism Board, Health Promotion Board, HSBC, Nokia, AirAsia, M1, TMNet, Digi, Walls, F&N, Chipster, Honda, Hugo Boss, Guiness, Motorola, Nescafe, MPH and phewwww many more (Just wanted to prove a point :-p). has also undergone 3 redesigns in the short 9 months that we have been in operation. Nuffnang 2.0 is truly something to be proud of, and a look that we're looking to keep, maintain and improve in the long run.
The point is, we've come a long way. And each team member, has contributed in his/her own way. So I introduced the Nuffie awards!
Every full time staff got one. With a title that I thought was appropriate for that individual, a title that highlighted his/her strength, and contribution in 2007.
One such individual was Nicholas.
I still remember interviewing
Nicholas one saturday morning. Here was a university graduate with good prospects drawing a fabulous stable pay from a MNC asking to work in Nuffnang. I left him in no small doubt that he would be joining a minnow, and would be trading a significant basic pay for a smaller one and stability for uncertainty. He BELIEVED in Nuffnang and expressed that in no small measure, said that he wanted to work with us to grow it. It was refreshing to see somebody as passionate as him.
For that I awarded him the title "Most Passionate Nuffie". In case you're wondering. Nicholas is the first full time member of our sales team. He has made some good headway, and I was soooo happy when he got his first deal.
After having made an award for everybody, I needed one myself! Aiyah, I wanted a momento lah! So I made one that said this, "Cheo Ming Shen, Chief Prawn, To Remind me that The Best Is Yet To be". There is a story behind this. Once, somebody labelled me a "prawn" amongst sharks. I was not bitter or anything like that. In fact, I "acknowledged" it inwardly, and used it as motivation. Even after I have achieved success, I carry that title to remind me that there is more to achieve, that "The Best Is Yet To Be" (ACS Motto in case you're wondering).
Some of the other titles given out included Best Partner (No need to guess that one), Ming's Favourite Intern (Also quite elementary), Most Buaya Intern (This one you all dunno one), Most consistent, long serving intern, Most Punctual Nuffie, and more.

Just after I had ended the speeches, dinner arrived!!! GREAT TIMING! I loveee this place!
Look at that nice juicy looking piece of meaaaatttt! And thosee glooooriousss mushrooomsss!! SHROOOMS!!!!!

After we had devoured our share of cow, we moved on to the gift exchange.
My gift was meant for Tim 2. I got him Call of Duty 4, the PC game. I had seen some people playing it at challenger, and the graphics looked super cool. I mean, it is literally the next generation first person shooter. He had just gotten a kickass pc so I knew his PC could handle the graphics, and mine would not be able to.

I was so happy he liked his gift. There is no better satisfaction than getting a gift somebody appreciates!
My secret santa was firdauz. He got me one a christmas snow globe. It was a perfect gift, considering I loooove christmas. I've put it on my office table so I can wind it up, and shake it up every now and then to give me that warm fuzzy feeling.

Huiwen with her pressie.

And uncle LM with his!
We wrapped up the dinner with resolutions for the new year. Everybody chipped in with their wishes for Nuffnang in 2008.
And of course a group photoooo!!!

The evening was wrapped up by a trip to the Cinema to catch I Legend.
Me and Huiwen left the next afternoon after having a bat kut teh breakfast with the entire team, and having bought a dozen donuts at JCo. Thanks to Nicholas and Skyler for being our Ah Mat and Tour guide.

We both left with a satisfaction rarely achieved, and more importantly in the familiarity of Nice Bus Service!!! 3 cheers for Nice Buss!!! Our first company dinner had been a great success in my mind.