Just warming up here, Second one: Do you have a date for valentines day? Little bit more embarrasing (I was going to pick up my phone right there and then) ... but No.
Third question: Are you going to get a date? Errr ... no ....
Fourth one (Wam bam): Do you need help!!!?
Ok ok, I'm exagerating, and they din't really ask me if I needed help! But it was akin to that. Basically, they were covering an issue of relationship seminars, workshops and agencies as avenues to promote romance, and asking me for my opinions. So they asked me if I would consider going for one of these seminars or approaching one of these agencies.
After having watched the interview, my interest was slightly piqued at these seminars. A number of people had actually said they would consider it. I flat out rejected it.
Let me digress for a moment so I can continue on the topic.
My V day dilemna was resolved rather easily when my mum "advised" me, we would be going out for dinner as a family. My father and mother have been married for 18 wonderful years, and they were married on V day. My brother and sister in law got married the same day last year, and if all goes according to plan, my mum says so will I and my two sisters!
So off we went today to Hua Ting (Our favourite chinese restaurant, Chef Chan is pure genius), for a family V day dinner. The dinner was great. I'm really not over complimenting the chef when I say that his culinary skill is up there with the top chinese chefs of Asia. Even hong kong! The first two dishes for example were heavenly.Hua Ting's duck is legendary. And frankly, it beats any duck I have EVER tasted. Including (sorry tiam) Four Seasons. BY FAR. It has to be said anyway it is a different experience altogether. Eating those two slices of duck is like eating two slices of WAGYU DUCK. Have you ever imagined anything like that!? Imagine no more.
The second course was as the menu describes it a "Braised cream of spinach with fresh scallop soup" which looked rather ... green .... and I'm not one for green stuff ... but it was so tasty I savoured every last drop. I'm not going to upload the photo of my half drunk soup as that would not do it justice. But trust me ... mmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmm
ANYWAY, ON TO THE MAIN POINT! One of our family friends (who had joined us for dinner), recounted to all of us at the table a really sweet TRUE V day story.
Apparently, a couple had gone to the zoo together. The lady very unfortunately dropped her ring into a crack on the ground and it dissapeared. It was only a $138 dollar ring, but it meant alot to her. They tried to retrieve it to no avail. Her husband was distraught too, and thought he would drop his own one in too (even though it was not a small sum to him), so the rings would at least be "together". They eventually decided against it, and informed the zoo personel hoping against hope they would find it.
The zoo, perhaps touched by what had transpired, (and also a practical need to fix the crack), whilst repairing the crack, retrieved the ring, and invited this couple back for a specially arranged V day dinner.
How did this conversation come about? A conversation about BIG and NICE diamonds. What did it reinforce in my mind? It's really not about the colour or size of diamond that matters. All that is irrelevant. This couple had something far more precious than that, and something a seminar or workshop is in my humble opinion unable to inspire in a relationship. So onward all ye souls! And never relinquish the quest for true love. Happy Valentines Day to everybody!